Insight & Influence
At C & G Strategies, we're fortunate to have developed relationships at a state and local level that provide us with helpful insight for our clients, and the influence to be sure that the policies and issues that are important to them are front and center in the work that we do.
Project Name

Grants Newsletter
Each month, we provide a grants newsletter to clients with information on new and active programs that may fit your organization's needs. And we're with you step by step through the application and advocacy phases, and even assist with compliance once that funding is in hand.
The newsletter comes out the second Wednesday of every month. Subscribe today.
Prior Editions: ​​​
Project Name

Firm Newsletter
Insight & Influence, our firm e-newsletter, shares information on state and local news that matters to our clients and stakeholders. It's sent out every other Friday. The e-news is sent to our client distribution list and is posted the week after on this page. Interested in receiving it in your inbox? Email us directly.
January 7, 2025 (Special Edition)
2024 Editions: